Synaptic (group show)

THK Gallery 2022’

Drawing on action painting and gestural abstraction, Salaam’s thickly layered acrylic relief paintings reveal a spontaneity, a surrender to chance and the sculptural elements inherent in painting. After days of preparation, Salaam pours up to 15 litres of paint onto a large canvas, and in a focused gesture, creates thick works in a single movement as the paint starts to dry. Here Salaam presents sea-scapes using this technique.

In the case of his ink series 'Here (Now)' the works serve to begin and end at the here and now as materially both the outer and inner realities of the work are a simple everyday canvas of vertical and horizontal strings that elude to the very fabric of the universe and the spiritual underpinnings of existence that are a balance of horizontal and vertical planes. These works are a progression within the artists practice in that most other works by the artist usually possess a binary of a darker outer reality and an inner sanctum while these works share the same tone and hue both outwardly and inwardly. Taking inspiration of the square form from the Ka'ba, the artist creates a series of squares that are possessed of meaning as a point of focus toward a reality that is both an aspiration and an omnipresent truth.