Künstlerstadt Kalbe residency & exhibition Germany, 2023

Here (Now) Past, Present & Future

Here (Now) Past, Present & Future

‘Here (Now) Past, Present & Future’ are a series of diptychs made in residence curtesy of the German Government, in the small former Soviet town known as Kalbe (Milde) in a previously abandoned courthouse. The form reads like a book where left (past) and right (future) are a dissection of the present being eluded to in ‘the space between’ the canvases, a constant motif in the artist’s practice. Serving to explore the nature of each present moment in which each end is a beginning, and each beginning an end, the works draw one into both the nothingness and the naturalness of raw canvas and the space between them while implying a sense of time-current that flows within the outer and inner raw canvas - a current of pure consciousness and beauty.

Inspired by the decaying building in which the works were painted and hung, the artist intends to use the entire space as a sculptural installation in which our personal and societal context mirrors the decayingbuilding in which an objective present exists as a fertile space for beauty, creativity and presence. ‘Here (Now)’ is a series of acrylic ink works on canvas that focus on presence.

The works serve to begin and end at the here and now as materially both the outer and inner realities of the work are a simple everyday canvas of vertical and horizontal strings that elude to the very fabric of the universe and the spiritual underpinnings of existence that are a balance of horizontal and vertical planes. These works are a progression within the artists practice in that most previous works by the artist usually possess a binary of darker outer reality and an inner sanctum while these works share the same tone and hue both outwardly and inwardly. Taking inspiration of the square form from the Ka'ba, the artist creates a series of squares that are possessed of meaning as a point of focus toward a reality that is both an aspiration and an omnipresent truth.